Thursday, December 7, 2006

Santa Claus Came to Town!

We are trying to get some pictures for a Christmas card, but we are not having much luck. Believe it or not this is actually happy faces on both kids.

We have been talking about this day for awhile. Ally knows what she is going to ask Santa for and about his raindeer and how he is coming to our house. She is soooooo excited. We got to the Santa stop and there and we were #199 and #200. One of my students were passing out the numbers and she said that they were on #75. Her mom was running it and almost pushed us up, but I couldn't do that. If I knew that it was going to be an hour and a half, I might have taken the offer!

Drew and I were walking around looking at things. I should him where Santa was and he said - mommy go now. I told him he needed to wait his turn. A little girl got off Santa's lap and Drew said - Mommy my turn now!

I always ask how the kids do at preschool and they tell me that they do everything together, but at the same time are DEFINITELY siblings though. When I see them in the halls they are always holding hands. Tonight when they were getting ready to see Santa, they held hands. Ally is a good sister that helps her little brother.

So what did she ask for: Backyardigans radio, Uniqua doll, and Dora bracelet. Drew was speechless but excited.


Anonymous said...

you can tell you took away his binky in the first picture!

amy said...

i have never seen a mall santa that sits on a bench. wierd that the kids don't actually sit in Santa's lap. my parents took the boys to the mall when they were here for Q's b'day and saw santa from a distance. trip has been asking to go back ever since. maybe we'll get a chance to take them this week.

Brenda Rae said...

We weren't in a mall. Our local telecom place had a night with Santa. It right outside our subdivision. I thought it was weird too, but you can see that Ally is leaning away from Santa a little bit!