Thursday, February 7, 2008

I Want to Cry

Today was looking to be a great day - 2 hour late start! That typically means that we can take our time getting ready. I like to get to school a little bit early so I can get some stuff done. Well that didn't happen.

I got the kids ready. We even got a good breakfast! The van was pack full of backpacks, snowpants, boots, extra shoes for me, my bag, lunches, purses, cell phone, etc. I got in to start and pull out - no such luck. Click, click, click... Jason had just called and was close, so I tried him but he couldn't get to me for half an hour then I notice the low tire as I am walking to the neighbors to hope that Ryan was still home. Nope, I try Jeff, nope. Then Stu answers and comes over immediately, but it still won't start.

I guess I am trying to dig out the truck in my skirt from underneathe the 13 inches of snow on top of it with a good layer of ice. Ryan comes back home and backs it out for me since it was buried in - who thought when we bought it we would have really needed the 4-wheel drive???? We got it out and Jason was finally home. Then he noticed the that window wasn't quite up and he couldn't get it to stay up - what?!?!?!

SO in the end we decided to put the kids in his car and he would take us to school. Carseats out of the trunk, buckled in, kids in, truck unloaded and my stuff moved for the thrid time. Getting into the car, my cell phone rings and tears come to my eyes - Graf.

You got to be kidding - stay home the secondary roads are too bad - school is canceled. Kids out and stuff unloaded (for the 4th time) to the house to stay. Jason is off to work.

1 comment:

amy said...

and that, my friend, is why you should not live in Iowa in the winter time!!!