Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Start the Snowblower Up!

When the weather guy says that you will see about 10 inches of snow, but somewhere close to us could get up to 20 inches - you know it's gonna be fun! I hate all these 2-3 inch snows! I finally got the big one that puts us at home except for the crazies that have to go to work!

Jason blew the driveway last night with less than 2 inches on it. The big snow was comeing after midnight and produced a little less than an inch an hour. He worked on the driveway about 5:30 and by the time he got in there was another 1/2 inch on it. He just left for a meeting at the hospital and there was a solid 2 more on it. Will the trash guys come today?

We are suppose to get it steady until this afternoon which then I will pull out the ruler and see our totals! I haven't seen a snow like this since my senior year of high school or maybe I just don't remember it since Iowa State wouldn't have canceled classes for it!

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