Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ally's Graduation

I am going backwards, but I have to document all the important event in our life. Someday I will get around to making a scrapbook and it will all be here - right Sandy?!?!?

Ally graduated from pre-school. Big deal huh? Really has anyone flunked pre-school? She wore caps and walked in to Pomp and Circumstance. It was very cute. We have a great pre-school and I will be sad that Drew will not get to go through the Pre-K class. (We will move our middle school to a different town closer to our hourse that year.)

They sang many songs that they have learned thoughout the year. Getting Ally to repeat the songs for us at home is difficult. For some reason she "forgets." Instead she makes up annoying ones that get stuck in our heads - momma ducky momma ducky please saaaaave us....(we can have her sing this annoying little tune for you someday) Ally is in the second row on the far right - click on the picture to make it bigger.

These are a couple of her good friends. Izzi (right) will not go to CCA next year which will be sad. Avery will be in her class.

All these girls will be in the same kindergarten - scary!

Drew has the ability of pesuade any girl to think that he is absolutely adorable. This is one of his girlfriends at school - Amanda. She is his favorite teacher. I know that teachers can't have favorites, but this might be an exception.

When we left school on the last day, Amanda told him not to pick on his sister. In the car, Drew was annoying Ally (great start to summer vacation). I reminded him that Amanda told him not to pick on Ally. Drew's response - no mommy, she told me not to pick on my sister! Great and now he thinks he is smart.

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