Still Funny
This morning Ally said: Daddy is still funny EVEN though he is 32....
Ha! Jason's response - I will be funny til the day I die. (Okay looks don't count)
Not to us, O Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1
This morning Ally said: Daddy is still funny EVEN though he is 32....
Ha! Jason's response - I will be funny til the day I die. (Okay looks don't count)
Posted by
Brenda Rae
7:02 AM
It is late and I want to go cuddle with my honey, but I will post a couple pictures of our FOUR YEAR OLD!!! Yikes. He is old and Jason keeps reminding me that I am old. What a nice husband?!?!?
Drew is so sweet and melts my heart. I am a sucker for this little guy - even when he yells down twice during small group to tell me that he didn't feel good.
I will post more about the big day later!
Posted by
Brenda Rae
8:16 PM
Had a doctors appointment today and was really nervous. Who wouldn't be? I hate that you can't feel the baby all the time to know that everything is okay. I have been praying for faith and to trust God.
The heartbeat was strong and everything looks good. I would like to worry (even though God tells us not to), but Dr. Wenzel seems confident that everything is fine and is completely gone. I get to schedule my half way ultra sound in the next month! Not that I haven't seen it already several times - one more is always great.
God is good. Continue to pray for our little Hammey. I have started feeling it about once a day but it is SO random but in the same exact spot every time. He is just letting Mom know he is fine.
Posted by
Brenda Rae
7:12 PM
Last night at supper, Ally was showing us some "new" tricks she had learned at school. Ellen had shown her how to make tooting noise with her arm pit. I quickly kabashed that adn said that girls don't do that ESPECIALLY at the supper table.
I go on eating just to glance up to notice Jason trying the same thing. Goodness. Drew started in but with just the noise from his mouth.
I admitted that this behavior is probably from the Smith side - aka Nathan, Chris, David, and Andy passed down from Uncle Ken.
Posted by
Brenda Rae
6:23 PM
Jason went and picked up Ally and Drew's costumes the other night. They decided that they wanted to be Batman and Batgirl. We knew the first costume wouldn't be difficult to find, but hadn't seen the other one in the store. We had found it online, but oh my the cost. I wasn't willing to spend about $40 for a one day deal.
We finally found it on and the only store around here was the CR store. Jason headed there the next day - hoping their computers were right. Much to our kids' joy, he brought them home. They fit well. As Drew had his on, he said - Mommy don't my eyes look scary! Oh yes Drew you are scary.
Ally love to fly around with her cape.
Just a few days until load up the kids with sugar day! How exciting for a school teacher!
Sorry the pictures are not so hot. My camera batteries were dead so I used my phone.
Posted by
Brenda Rae
8:21 PM
We made the long trip today to visit the newest addition to the family - Makenna Faith Willis born yesterday morning at 6:20. She is the smallest baby that I have ever seen weighing in at a whomping 6 lbs. 6 oz. Mommy is doing great except when Jason pulls out the one-liners - she never knew he could be so stupid - I am mean funny.
Ally was so thrilled to hold her - she was also perfect size for Ally to hold. We might have an interesting time in a few months. Ally wasn't too thrilled to have to share the cuddle time with other visitors though.
Drew refused to touch or hold her. He told me at bedtime tonight that only girls can kiss babies. But he did say that he would kiss his baby brother or sister.
This is my favorite picture. The are so excited about Hammy coming to our house. This gives us some good practice before one comes to live with us. Ally was slightly confused why we had to leave when Makenna wanted to eat.
Posted by
Brenda Rae
6:38 PM
Jason has almost got his latest project finished. SIXTY-EIGHT shelves need to be sanded and then we need to get it all varnished - which will be a task all in its own!
Our yard on Saturday looked like a Coffin yard sale. We have them for all sizes - big or small.
Many guys are owed some big thank yous for giving up nights and Saturday to help with this project. It all goes to show how much the church is a family. In the above picture, Andy is sanding down the last one!
Posted by
Brenda Rae
6:34 PM
I wish that our kids slept in but because of our weekday schedule, they rarely sleep past 7:15 on the weekend. Usually Ally is up first and asks to play in her room. We try and get her to be quiet, but you know our talker. Last Sunday we didn't realize they were up until I walked out and heard some giggling. I took a peek into Drew's room to find this. I ran downstairs to get the camera and tried to be quiet, but the sound of the camera turning on got their attention.
Sometimes they play so well together! Wish that is was more often...
Posted by
Brenda Rae
6:30 PM
As I was "relaxing" on Saturday, Jason was building bookshelves for Pastor Jeff's office or small library. There are 16 shelves of varying sizes. I can't wait to see what this office actually looks like! Before the day began, the garage was finally clean after 2 years. Jason had me take some pictures because he knew that it wouldn't last long! After a finished basement and some yard work (which still needs some attention), the garage got its much needed organization and cleaning. Wish we would have had time to get it painted - guess that if for winter ummmmm later... Some great guys came over from small group to learn how to use some tools. We are so thankful that they were able to give up some time on a Saturday to help us out. One of the guys from Jason's work also came. Poor guy is from San Diego but was transfered here to help one of the construction companies with flood reconstrucution. He got married in April and moved his beautiful bride to the flooded plains to an extended stay hotel - they have a place on the beach in California. They have been coming to Parkview and have also just joined our small group. We are praying that we get a good snow storm before they leave at the beginning of December. Here are Jesse and Jason putting one of the shelves together.
Here are the piles of shelves in our garage - at least my van can still get in there!
We still have a pile of plywood in the drive way to build some sound thingys (technical name). The kids decided that they were going to have their own Olympics and are practicing their jumping and twisting. They wore themselves out! Ally got some good air on this one.
Jason entertained me by trying his own jump out. He is the BEST! I love him more than ever!
Posted by
Brenda Rae
5:24 PM
Posted by
Brenda Rae
6:51 PM
Last night we had quite a scare. I lost quite a bit of blood last night and thought I had lost our precious little it. After much relaxing and sleeping through the night, we headed in for an ultrasound this morning to find that Hammie has strong heartbeat at 168. But I have a subchorionic hematoma. After doing some research on google, I found out it is fairly common and can possibly scary.
I am probably in the scary catagory since mine is a large one. The baby is completly oblivious to this problem and isn't effected unless is causes it to not get the blood it needs through the placenta. So pray that I can rest and put up my feet and that the kids will be kind to me when they get home.
Ally prayed such a sweet prayer this morning and I know they care so much for Hammie. Pray for faith since I have so little right now. We assume the worst, but know that our God is a God of miracles and is our Healer. Praise God for great friends at school that have taken over my lesson plans so that I don't have to worry about my classroom - that is hard for any teacher to do!
Posted by
Brenda Rae
9:15 AM