Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Just Felt Weird...

This morning I left and my ring felt weird. I couldn't figure it out. My hands couldn't be swollen already. I haven't gotten to school yet and today is suppose to be cool. (the lack of AC in my class has caused my hands to swell)

After 3 classes I finally asked - what hand is my ring suppose to be on? If you know me well - you would know that I struggle with my left and right. I make the "L" to figure it out - I like east and west instead.

I had my ring on the wrong hand. You would have thought after wearing it for about 11 years that I would remember which hand to put it on. Oh well I am 31 and my memory is going.


Andrea G. said...

At least you can switch hands! Mine is stuck after two children and needs to be cut off and resized, but we are waiting for some extra money that doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere! :)

amy said...

HILARIOUS!!!!! i wear a ring on each of my ring fingers... i have put them on the opposite hands before, but i always notice right away. mostly because they feel wierd being on the wrong hand!