Sunday, September 17, 2006

Fun or Trouble????

Have we mentioned that we are deep in the terrible twos and we are still a solid month away from two?????

This Saturday Drew was around for the picnic. We were sadly glued to the Iowa vs. ISU football game which was lost by the Cyclones by seven. Uncle Ken says that he always subtracts 7 points from the home team for home field advantage - which makes it a tie game.

The kids were making stew. For some reason more was getting on the floor than in anyone's mouth. We ended up locking both bathroom doors to keep them off of the sink and out of the tub. Luckily no one thought of "eating" the toilet water! I guess the floor dries and no one was injured except for fighting over the spoon to stir the stew!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well no way could the cyclowns win.