Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sale Barn

Most of you reading this have never been to a sale barn. I don't even remember if I have been to a sale barn. My mom is reading this going - gee wiz Brenda - you have many times. It has obviously not left a lasting impression.

Jason was the kind and brave husband on Saturday afternoon. He took BOTH kids to the Club Calf sale over an hour away. My dad was selling 3 calves to inspiring 4H kiddos for next year's fair.

I didn't go, but I hear that you get popcorn and other goodies and can cheer for your grandpa when he comes into the ring.

I enjoyed my time unpacking both kids' room and going to Bread Company for a warm and quiet bowl of soup and my favorite sandwich. YIPPEE for great husbands!


Anonymous said...

How fun! Going to the sale barn with Grandpoppy is like a rite of passage in my family. My dad goes every Thursday to buy calves and his grandkids beg and plead to be taken along. Kylee is a few years away though. Dad's requirement is you have to be able to sit still (on your hands so you don't accidently bid) and survive 1 day without your afternoon nap.

Brenda Rae said...

As Jason was walking out the door. I sighed and said, "Please don't buy anything!" I got a good chuckle out of him. He is glad that they weren't watching the kids because he was sure they were going to buy something!

Anonymous said...

Oh the Bread Co. How I miss that place. The closest thing here in Canada is Starbucks. Which they have thank goodnes. I won't complain, but oh for a bowl of broccoli cheese soup and a good bagel or piece of bread. You enjoy your Bread co. Liz