Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Reading to Lil' Sis

Drew and Ally were resting on the couch reading books. Tana decided to sit on each of their laps and listen to them tell her the story. She loved it until they would make her fall over into an awkward position. Ally & Drew aren't very coordinated to get her back up sitting.

I must admit these are posed, but they were precious!

Both kids love Tana very much if she isn't crying - which is most of the evening. She also HATES her carseat which is unusual for a newborn. She typically screams no matter where we go in the van - quite fun and makes everyone want to leave the house with Tana.


Melissa Glanz said...

Ally told Issi today that Tana is cute even when she's crying, so maybe she doesn't mind it as much as you think!

amy said...

love the last pic of Drew & Tana. she is looking right up at him! can't wait to meet her and love on her in a week+.

Andrea G. said...

Way to get in good reading practice, while entertaining sissy!