Sunday, October 21, 2007

Crazy Things We Do

Yes mom - you told us so.

Back when we picked out our lights, we wanted a chandelier type light in the entry way. My mom said don't get one that points up because the lights will be impossible to change. We didn't listen because we knew that we could figure out a way to do it. But we don't that our luck with light bulbs means that we will be changing the lights a lot.

When the college boys were over - several discussed with Jason the best way to change them. These were engineers in training - but from Iowa not ISU. The best solution was from a kid that drove a school bus on the side. His suggestion: Put a board from the upper railing to the window sill. Then he volunteered to slither his way out on it to change the bulbs. FREAK!!!

My suggestion was the one that Jason used. Saw horses with extension ladder on it. He perfected my idea and bam lights are changed. I did buy the swirly bulbs that are long lasting. The box says they could last for up to 9 years, but I will be happy with 12 months.

1 comment:

Kim Harms said...

Your post made me think of our way to highly vaulted ceiling with a smoke alarm that is virtually impossible to reach. Well, it went off at 2 a.m., and Corey had get out his biggest extension ladder in the middle of the night to take care of the awful noise. The two big boys slept through it. Amazing!