Sunday, September 21, 2008

Where Does the Water Go?

With lots of rain & hurricans this summer we have had lots of conversations about where the water goes. We have a "waterfall" in front of our house. Okay there are "waterfalls" about every 15 feet which eats our baseballs if we aren't careful - another video someday!

This lovely afternoon while we were cleaning the garage, the kids decided to play/waste the water. They were sending the water to the gulf - I am sure they don't want anymore of our water right now though. Jason - being the technically correct guy in our family - has told our kids the correct route of the water. Ally can almost get it right.

It goes....
1. down the sewer into
2. an unnamed tributary to
3. the Iowa River which meets
4. the Cedar River in Columbus Junction that flows to
5. the Mississippi that travels 2000 miles to the
6. Gulf of Mexico and into
7. the Ocean.

Our poor children and their weird Dad!

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