Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Artist in the Making

If you have ever been to our house, you would know that our kids LOVE crafts. It might be an understatement. Our office floor is typically covered by little scraps of paper. They go through a ream of paper a month by themselves. Yesterday Ally was using all my post-its to label all of the things in our house and then wrote a book about it.

They really like the glitter glue, fun scissors, and paints the most. But Mommy is a hard-nose and typically only lets them get the markers and scissors out. Gluestick is no problem, but I hate it when I go look for tape and find out Ally has used it all on her latest project.

One night Jason was helping me pick up when he noticed a Sponge Bob picture laying around. (Our kids don't watch it, but do have one book.) He asked how Ally had made it. She told him that she drew it. We aren't sure if she traced it from the window or did it free hand, but whatever it is pretty good for a 5 year old!

Final masterpiece which will go in her art scrapbook - only the good stuff gets kept!

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