Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Mercy Dedication

Jason has enjoyed his job thoroughly. We were talking last night about how his career path has changed drastically from college. I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't have changed a thing. His new job has come with many new and interesting challenges. He rarely comes home without a smile and reminds me how much he loves his job! PRAISE THE LORD!

His first task was overseeing the flood reconstruction of the hospital. They managed to it done in 100 days and over 60 million worth of construction. It was quite a task for him and for our family! They dedicated the building on September 28th. We left KC early and my parents brought the kids back from KC with them after the big Backyardigan performance. The Archbishop came to do the service and we toured the building for the last time before it was taken over by patients!

This picture shows how high the water got on the hospital. This isn't much according to the rest of the city, but the hospital was in the last block that got flooded. It was enough though to evacuate the building and have to strip everything down to the studs which had to be individually cleaned specially.

This fountain never stopped running during the flood. They wanted to shut it off, but the control switch was in a closet that was sandbagged and if they tried to get in, they would ruin a lot of electrical stuff.

1 comment:

Jack and Sheryl said...

I'm so glad Jason likes his job! That's great!