Friday, November 7, 2008


We (meaning me and the kids) voted on Tuesday together - a little crazy but not too bad. Hopefully they weren't too bad but did crawl under the booth - I hope they didn't bother anyone.

When we walked in, Drew asked if he could vote. Ally responded quickly by telling him - no you have to be 7 or 8 to vote. Hum I think they need some social studies.

Ally asked me who we voted for as if she had an opinion and really wanted our candidate to win. When we got home she told Jason - Daddy - I hope "the king" wins. Jason had a stumped face - which is typical. Then she followed up with "because that is who we voted for. "The king - McCain - ahhh they sound similar.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe Ally has several more Iowan friends she could have talked into voting for "The King" ... ufta