Monday, July 31, 2006

Hoarder of Paperclips!

Have you ever taken over someone's position and found that they were hoarding supplies in their desk??? Or are you that person? This is my 5th day working in my very very hot room and I am starting to make a dent. I have unloaded all of my teaching books into the cabinets and now I am working on the supply cabinet. This teacher was a great teacher - at least I have been told. Her downfall - Paperclips! I have a pint plastic tub and at least 16 boxes in the cupboard. She also had a fetish for binderclips - I have 16 boxes of those. I have 3 LARGE boxes of chalk (at least 250 pieces in each). In my lowly 7 years of teaching I have gone through one and a half boxes of 12. (I use the overhead.) I tried out over 200 pens and about 75 percent of them were dried up. From past experience it takes at least 5 years to do that.

She had 7 rolls of overhead transparency - which made Jason jump for joy. Less cleaning!!!! I had 2 and usually took them home to unroll and clean - It is a fun process for anyone wanting the experience.

Therefore my job is long and hot (no AC) and only 3 weeks left to go.... Happy Cleaning!


AKA said...

Same thing happened to me a few years ago at the Y! I had paperclips out the wazoo! Not only did I find decades worth of paperclips, but also thousands of dollars of unentered / deposited checks she'd been hoarding to create a big "overtime" project. She was fired!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun...sort of...I'm back in my clasroom as well. Summer is going by fast! Good luck with getting everything ready!