Party Time
What do you call a birthday party with 12 girls in preschool? Insanity???? It might have been loud, it might have been busy, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Ally invited 13 friends (all the girls in her class) over for her 5th birthday on Saturday. I wasn't expecting that all would actually be able to come. They came in their pretty dresses - because I guess that what you wear to parties???
Several moms dropped off their little princesses looking at me like - I really want to head shopping since I have a couple free hours, but I will stay if you want me to looks. I pushed them out the door saying we had it under control. As my friend Patrick would say at school - organized chaos!
I must thank Kate and my mom for helping. Jason ducked out after the pinata to go look at a deck to build. There was too many girls in one house for him!
We did get to celebrate today with our parents. She had a wonderful day and got some great present - as if we didn't have enough toys! She got a camera from Grandma Rhonda and Grandpa Charlie. Jason and I had seen it at Christmas and thought she would like it. After Chuck said that Trip loved his, we asked for it! She has taken a meer 250 pictures today. So Michelle you have an apprentice coming soon!