Monday, December 3, 2007

Getting Good

Beware - this involves puke.....

Our kids are the king and queen of puke for no reason. Does anyone else's kids have this problem? We will be sound asleep and wake suddenly to screaming. When we stagger into the room, we (I mean Jason - I try to stay in bed) get smacked in the face with that lovely smell that you can't get out of you nose. Drew did this on Saturday night - supposedly coughing in the culprit.

Last night I sang Ally's songs to her and made it down the stairs to finish my book for small group. I hear something weird followed by a scream and scamper back up the stairs to hear Ally yell - I puked. I HATE CHANGING SHEETS and I would never make them sleep in the yuk but the thought has crossed my mind in the middle of the night. When we arrived in her room a few seconds later to find that she had kept it in - gross! Then her sobbing she does it again, but I catch it in the wastepaper basket. We made it to the bathroom before any major catastrophes and nothing in the bed!

Jason's comment: Man - Ally you are getting good - you didn't get any on your bed and just a little on the carpet.

Can you really be getting good at puking?


amy said...

that is funny! trip had a stomach virus last week that was being passed around at church. he was snotty, so i thought at first it was just from mucus, but then he kept waking up all night. he is not so great at puking! he actually only got it on his bed once, but every other time, he would walk thru our foyer & puke on his way to our room! (i tried to teach him to go straight to the bathroom - 2 steps from his door, but he couldn't get that concept!)

Kim Harms said...

Corey made almost an identical comment to Owen on Friday night during one of his puking spells. It is so much more pleasant, though, when they get it into the bucket instead of the sheets, pjs and carpet!