Thursday, December 27, 2007

Race Has Began....

We have been working really had on starting on the basement. I would love to have it liveable/done (preferably) by Rachel's wedding/Uncle Ken's birthday - March 8th. It is pretty much cleaned up to start on some stuff but what do you do with the stuff that we already have down there?

We went to Lowes and got the goodies to start the bathroom walls and the rest of the walls that we don't have up - see last years wall extravaganza. So can we do it? Who knows? We are calling all volunteers - especially if you know anything about building, plumbing, elctricity or like to carry dry wall!

Chuck - can you come put the shower up???

Side note: we did hit the jack pot tonight and got a shower base ($50 - reg $144) and a shower door ($10 - reg $219)

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