Monday, December 24, 2007


The kids had their program this past weeek which is always entertaining - how could it not be though? Fifty-two 2-4 year olds singing in front of their parents and grandparents and friends. No one fell off the risers this year though, but the kid that did last year rolled around on the floor this year. He is still in Pre-K next year so we will see what he does then! The kids found us waving frantically like all the other parents when they walked in and waved back! Drew pointed out to his teacher (or his girlfriend as we refer to her) his "Grandpa with a beard on it." They did a wonderful job.

This is our favorite - Chubby snowman. Drew wouldn't do the action. We aren't sure what he was doing - dancing like his daddy????

After visiting with Santa, who made a guest appearance, Drew climbed up to show us his coloring book that Santa brought him!

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