Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Quotes From the Weekend

The time has come to publish some of the newest quotes in Jason's book. We really should dedicate a whole blog to his favorite quotes, but the quotes have slowed down since we don't see Scoggins often, but Ally and Amy K are taking over!

First (but not the funniest!), heading home from church Ally informs us that she is going to since her new song all the way to Aunt Linda's. Oh my it is an hour drive and that would be too much for any sane mom or dad. We told her she could sing it til we got home and then we could put the video on (what did our parents do?). Her song was "Away in the Manger." She sang the first verse beautifully and went on to the second... "the cattle are exploding - the baby awakes" What??? "exploding?"

Second (but still not the funniest), was our game night at the Klaassen's. Amy and Chris got out their Are you Smarter than a 5th Grader Game. Rachel was on her 2nd grade math question - True/False: All irregular rectangles have 4 sides. Chad and her contemplating the answer (this made the math teacher very upset). Amy in her tiredness (it was past 11) blurted out "all rectangles have three" as she tried to skid off the last word hoping that no one would hear, Jason grabbed the paper to write down the newest of his quotes. We love you Amy and thank you for the great giggles that it brings to me and my class tomorrow!

Thirdly (and to me the funniest), we were at the dr. office for some lovely colds and green snot. The nurse was going through her list of 20 questions when she asked if Ally was allergic to any medicines. I told her no and we finished the qu's as Ally tugged on my sleeve. The nurse got up to get something and Ally whispered in my ear - mom you forgot to tell her that I was allergic to ******. Trying not to fall on the floor, I told her that she needed to tell the nurse. Kindly the nurse asked her - and Ally's reply - I'm allergic to skunks. Quite surprised the nurse said - oh that's a first, I am sure that the dr. won't give you any medicines with skunks in it.

I am sure there were more, but these are the ones that keep coming up. There are a few quotes in life that you can't get enough of. My ultimate favorite is by Daren Aldag - You can't swing a dead cat in there without hitting an old person. Or Bobby Etherton's - Not saying I have the bird, but if I did would it be a good time to play it.

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