Thursday, January 24, 2008

Start with a Bang

Today started with a big bang - or to be more exact a hiss. Jason had hopefully his final sleep study last night - we don't know the results, but the tech told him he had very little snoring on his back only but heavy breathing. He didn't qualify for the breathing machine test which is good.

He was coming home and usually calls me in the mornings if he isn't home - my wake up call so I can't sleep in! I was in the shower so obviously didn't get out. He didn't show up for awhile so I gave him a call and didn't answer. I just thought - oh he is in the subdivision and will be home in a second. Nope he called a couple minutes later to tell me he had a flat tire.

I usually would freak out here since it was 10 minutes til I need to leave and I had a sub for the day so I could go to a conference, but I had my plans done so I had more time to grade in the morning - not gonna happen. I hurried to get the kids ready to run him a tool since the nuts were striped. I contemplated leaving them snuggled in their beds since I was only going 2 miles, but thought that this would be the day that they would wake up on their own.

We are fairly used to flat tires, but today was COLD. My car registered a -24 plus some windchill to put us about at -40. Changing a flat in this was going to be rough in the cold. He finally decided that he couldn't get it and he would tow it - company car so doesn't cost us a penny just time!

I am thankful for company cars, warm vans and tow trucks!

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