Friday, June 29, 2007

Surf's Up

Here is a first for our kids. We took them to a movie. We contemplated on what to see - Surf's Up (a penguin movie) or Ratatouille (rat in Paris). We decided on the Surf's Up since we knew it would not have many in the theater. Ratatoille was opening tonight and would most likely have a lot of people and we didn't know how the kids would do.

After we woke up Grumpy (Drew) from his nap, we weren't sure if the idea was so hot. Our local mall has Family Friday Night on the last Friday of the month. It was PACKED! The food court had a deal to buy one adult meal get a kid's meal free. The carousel and the Children's Museum are free also, but too many people for me.

We ate and went to the movie. Ally kept saying - I am so excited to see the movie. Can she really know what she was getting into? Drew just wanted to see the penguins (like the ones from McD's). Ally picked the seats and Drew carried in the popcorn. Jason was jealous because Drew picked a comfy seat on mommy's lap. They were a little wiggly and didn't understand the meaning of whispering, but overall did great. As we walked out, Drew said - Mommy, that chicken was funny. Drew also went to bed with his friends - the penguins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FYI Grandpa Harms took the boys to Ratatoille last weekend, and they got bored and came home before it was over. There wasn't enough action for them, and grandpa said it was aimed at kids who were a little older.