Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Hats off Allie

I don't have Allie's blog on my sidebar because she would prefer remain anonymous, but she is a very talented song writer. I have to to link her blog for Monday called Unafraid because I think that it paints a picture of what so many people go through in life. I just finished a book on fruit of the Spirit by Beth Moore (recommend!!!) and it talked about FRUIT that only God can give you when you are a Christian. But you have to take them and use them. I found myself not willing to grab some of them but wanting them so badly.

My prayer this summer has been to trust God's faithfulness. You might say - duh but it is harder than it looks. We like to say God is in control, but really are you letting him be in control. Are you having peace with him steering the wheel?

Allie - I hope that Unafraid goes a long ways because the words are a testimony of the person that I want to be because God is in control.

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