Monday, August 27, 2007

Take a Picture of Me!

Look Mommy I am a statue! We came home a little early today to relieve Daddy so he could go to a meeting. Drew stayed home sick today. Ally is becoming very technological. She has figured out how to take pictures with our camera even though she is scolded each time. Her pictures are getting better though. Now whatever she intends to take a picture of is really what comes out. This is her newest photo.

She has lost computer time for Tuesday for playing with the camera. She like to read books and play games. She does really good for not being able to read. She can even print pictures which is another way to lose computer priveleges around here. So if you need a place for your young child to learn how to use the computer try out Nick Jr. or Playhouse Disney. Believe it or not, Pre-K curriculum national standards are calling for some general computer usage like being able to manipulate a mouse!

1 comment:

amy said...

the whole computer thing for kids is crazy! my mom pulled up for trip & showed him how to play some of the games. he doesn't get on the computer more than a couple times a month, but he does pretty well. sometimes he clicks off the page & needs help getting back. he does know how to click the red x at the top to close the internet when he is done! amazing!