Monday, August 6, 2007


I think that I am the stain master. I can get almost any stain out - if I catch them before Jason dries them. What is my secret - I will share since I know how frustrating it is for your daughter get a great white tank top from Aunt Rachel and spill red kool-aid done the front. OR someone lays you white sweater on a red Turkish pillow to dry and the red bleeds onto your nice sweater. Or you accidently late a stained shirt on your sons nice shirt and it puts black moldy stains on it - now that is the toughest to get out (it took everything I had to get it out - you'd never know that the front was covered with black gross stains!).

The secret is Oxi-Clean spray as soon as you take it off. Now some stuff takes a couple loads (without drying) or some scrubbing or bleach with water or a soaking in that order. I think this summer I have beat every stain that my kids have challenged me with!

Red Kool-aid on white tank from the picnic yesterday - GONE!


allison said...

I'm impressed!!!

amy said...

dang... i stink at stains. i don't wash clothes often enough to get them. i just switched back to tide detergent after a few years of using gain. i'm hoping the switch will help me in my stain fighting battles from now on.

Brenda Rae said...

I have always used Tide, but still get something to spray on when you put the clothes in the laundry basket. During the school year I only wash once a week - yes more often than you, but still get out the stains.