Thursday, August 30, 2007

Where Willy Went

I went to the library tonight to return the kids' books and to pick out new ones. Jason is/was getting tired of them and he is sick of all the holiday books we have. The kids ask (after their nightly ice cream - just like daddy) how many books? Jason replies a number and quickly - and NO HOLIDAY BOOKS. They giggle and run to get their favorite Halloween, Christmas or Easter book.

There are so many books out there and some are better than others. I picked up this book because of the cover and the title. How can you put down a Willy book? I don't usually read the books completely through before taking them home, but the first sentence caught me off guard and I decided to read on. "Willy was a sperm." I took a double take and looked at the tadpole picture on the first page.

I turned the page and read on to see a very detailed story about this little guy - "he wasn't good at math but he was a good swimmer..." It had detailed pictures of his swim route and of the "big race."

I was a little appalled that it would be in the children's book area. Do we really need to read this to our pre-schoolers?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It should at LEAST have a disclaimer on the front! Thanks for the reminder to at least speed read a kid's book before checking it out at the library!
(Also on a side note - no one else is having trouble viewing my blog text off their PC, sorry. But thanks for letting me know.)
- Britt