Sunday, July 27, 2008


This summer has been the summer of payments. The kids have gotten into coins. They don't quite understand the value of each coin except that they really want the big one! They have been putting any earned coins in the piggy bank which when full will get ice cream. It is way past enough, but then we can have several trips!

While Ally sat for 30 minutes eating her popsicle slushy one day, Drew helped me clean out the dishwasher by working on the silverware. They take turns doing this for me which happens to be quite frequently in the summer! They also do recycling. Sometimes they get coins for playing nicely together. Everyone likes to earn something - sometimes it is special Mommy kisses and other times it is coins!

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

Hey! I love the coin system! I can't wait until David can help more. He already unloads the silverware, but he thinks it is so fun right now "making matches."

So what do I need to do for the wood? Do I find a font like in word that I like? Or do I buy the wood letters I like? I am so not crafty! I would LOVE any help!