Sunday, July 27, 2008

Smile Please

On the garage rising day, the kids played together very well. Especially for several kids who take naps everyday and didn't get one on this special day. Drew and Kaylee were the ones who played most of the day together in the sand pile. All four kids are strong-willed and nobody can figure out where that might come from.

I was hoping to get some good pictures of them altogether, but as you can see I got nothing.
Kaylee's growl....

Drew's you got to be kidding and Lauryn not happy about being naked. Ally was the only cooperative one!

Amy read the tired crew their bedtime books which was the quietest they sat all day - except Lauryn who wasn't into the Tooth book.

Ally - 5, Drew and Kaylee - 3, and Lauryn - 10 months

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