Monday, July 21, 2008

Playing in the Rain

Goodness - I think a couple weeks ago I was complaining that our grass was looking pathetic. We actually fertilized it and watered it and then the rains came and haven't stopped - wow what a run-on sentence! Typically in the evening we head outside to play but this weather was making playing ball or riding bikes difficult.

Last Thursday we were sitting out on the porch watching it rain and encouraged the kids to head out to see if they could get to the sidewalk "without" getting wet. Then we got out the bug nets that Jason got them in the middle of the winter to get the millions of junebugs that were hovering on the lawn. That fun only lasted a few minutes with them, but much longer with Jason - hence the lovely ballerina moves!

We had boots out and lots of jumping in the water. You can tell that we grew up on farms - when the rain comes you stay outside and finish up which means the kids still get to keep playing!


allison said...

Ironically, Jason's bug catching moves look really similar to Jared's dancing moves!

jared said...

yeah....and that's actually a compliment to jason.