Monday, July 14, 2008

Look What We Got

If Chris can plant corn in his front yard - then this is completely alright!

Do you know what it is? I didn't. But I guess last fall our rotten pumpkins dropped some seeds. Do you think it will actually make a pumpkin? Probably not but in my mind it is completely worth trying!

This year I have had quite a time trying to get my flowers to grow - I guess I need to take lessons from my 5 year old! The flowers on the front porch are the third try after killing the first two batches - I think too much fertilizer!

They planted seeds in foam cups in pre-school and at kindergarten round up. I have yet to see any plant come of this type of project, but like any good mother I put it on the window sill and watered it faithfully. She now has 5 stems coming up with 5 flowers all beautiful. It probably helps that mom waters them nightly when she washes the dishes.

1 comment:

Andrea G. said...

I am glad I am not the only one that kills plants! My BEAUTIFUL mother's day hanging basket is officially dead.